Login to view price.It is hardly expected for active ingredients to be delivered through the skin layer and to the necessary place because of the skin cell's own characteristics such as cornification.
Auto Micro-Needle Therapy System (AMTS) uses the Multi-Needle to maximize the cell penetration of active ingredients. This makes the new pathway for active ingredients to directly pass through Epidermis and can make the new concept of solution delivery system.
Benefits of AMTS
Skin Cell activates the natural wound-healing
- Promotes collagen regeneration
- Reduces wrinkles & pigments
- Improves skin tone
- Activates skin cell regeneration ability
- Increases skin tightness & elasticity
- Safe, convenient, economical
- Non-surgical & Non-invasive, No side effect
- Easy to handle for treatment
- No pain & No scratch
Crown embossing nozzle
Micro-hole formation through the vertical method: Fast Down Time
Maximum amount of Solution can be penetrated into deep skin layer through Micro Channel
Uniformed & consistent treatment : maximize the amount of solution (patent micro-needle)
Rubbing without scratch yet effective
Skin Punctures: 120 times/ second (600,000 micro-holes/min.)
How to Use
1. Prepare sterilized needle tip. 2. Connect the needle tip to the main body.
3. Gently rotate the handle to adjust needle depth. 4. Connect the main body to the power cable.
5. Press the power button to turn device on. 6. Operation (Max 10 min.)
7. Disconnect needle tip. 8. Discard needle tip after use.